Goals for maxima-pre59?

On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 13:38, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "CY" == C Y <smustudent1@yahoo.com> writes:
>     CY> Jim's original proposal had this outline:
>     CY> Incorporate new build system when I am done with it. Clean up
>     CY> package. Call the new version Maxima 5.9. The purpose of this release 
>     CY> is to act as a beta release for the first major release of the new
>     CY> Maxima project, 6.0.  Focus for 5.9 should be the shift to parity among
>     CY> ANSI Common Lisp implementations.

(Thanks for finding this, CY.)

> Hmm, I tried to find Jim's original post, but couldn't.  Hence the
> posting.

We should put something about the plan on the web page. I will try to
write something when I return from Supercomputing 2001, where I've been
for the past week.

>     CY> If i read this correctly, what he is saying (and I think it's a sound
>     CY> idea) is to focus on three thing right now - the new build system,
>     CY> trying to organize and clean up the structure and packages, and
>     CY> compiling on different Lisps.  I'm not sure where the numerical code
>     CY> falls in that, but at a guess that's probably a 6.1 feature.
> Sounds good.  I guess what goes in depends on when 5.9/6.0 is
> released.  It gets hard to keep things in sync if changes are kept out
> for a long time.  Perhaps a branch for 5.9/6.0 and a development
> branch that includes other stuff?  
> I'll leave these and other questions to the official maintainers. :-)

5.9 is supposed to be the development series for 6.0. I would like 6.0
to be released as soon as possible, but no sooner. I/we haven't been
doing this long enough for me to be comfortable trying to estimate
dates. Sorry.
