breqn and (D..) labels (for imaxima)

Pedro Fortuny Ayuso <> writes:

> As far as I see, when using imaxima, the package breqn.sty
> formats the first "(" in the "D" label as a normal-font
> bracket and the last one in \texttt, which is the desired style.
> The fix is to change lin 193 of breqn.sty to

I found a way to fix it without patching breqn.sty. I also made the
parens the same colour as the label.

The new version should also feel faster -- especially for big expression
(try comparing something like zeromatrix(20,20);).

Here's the ChangeLog for the new version

;;      * Use `view-file-other-window' instead of `view-file' for
;;        LaTeX errors.
;;      * Make equation color customizeable, `imaxima-equation-color'.
;;      * Add more color names, `imaxima-color-list'.
;;      * Fix look of parens in labels.
;;      * `imaxima-fnt-size', make LaTeX text size customizeable:
;;        normalsize, large, Large etc.
;;        From: Pedro Fortuny Ayuso <P.Fortuny at maths>
;;      * Improve speed of `imaxima-filter'.
;;      * New function `imaxima-latex' makes a LaTeX version of the
;;        Maxima buffer.

Jesper Harder