reduce a complete vector

Hi - Try using the "map" command (I did this recently for a similar
problem). You would do something like: map(ratsimp,A) where A is your
matrix.  Hope this helps.

 Dave Holmgren

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [SMTP:alexandre at emc]
> Sent:	Monday, November 19, 2001 5:39 AM
> To:
> Subject:	[Maxima] reduce a complete vector
> I've
> A:matrix([cos(tB)*(cos(tC)*SIN(tD)+sin(tC)*cos(tD))],
> [r*sin(tB)*cos(tC)*(cos(tC)*cos(tD)-sin(tC)*sin(tD))
> +sin(tB)*(-r*sin(tC)-dA)*(cos(tC)*sin(tD)+sin(tC)*COS(tD))]);
> and
> B:matrix([cos(tB)*sin(tD + tC)],[r*sin(tB)*cos(tD+2*tC) -
> dA*sin(tB)*sin(tD+tC)]);
> The vector A is result from transformation matrices, but I need  the the
> solution in a simpler expression, i.e. B. I want to reduce from A to B.
> When I apply a command sequence like:
> trigreduce(factorout(ratexpand(trigexpand(A[2][1]),sin,cos));
> it works  and
> ratsimp(trigreduce(A[1][1]));
> it also works,
> but I need to apply the one sequence to the complete vector, something
> like
> trigreduce(factorout(ratexpand(trigexpand(A),sin,cos));
> or
> ratsimp(trigreduce(A));
> it does not work... :(
> Is it possible or I must apply different command sequences to every term
> on the vector A?
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