maxima mode keybinding complaint

>>>>> "Jay" == Jay Belanger <> writes:

    Jay> Raymond Toy <> writes:

    Jay> Send line            M-C-l        There is no analogue in ilisp.  
    Jay> C-cC-l is bound to "load lisp file"
    Jay> in ilisp, for which there is no
    Jay> analogue here.  Change to that?
    >> I think you mean C-c l.  Couldn't this load up a maxima .mc or .lisp
    >> file into the running maxima?

    Jay> Yes, it could.  I can easily add that, perhaps have maxima prompt for
    Jay> a file name, and then call load?

C-c l in ilisp prompts for a file name, then prompts if you want to
compile the file first.  After which, it loads the file into the
running lisp process.

    >> What kind of cleanup would you need to do?  

    Jay> Kill the process.  

Doesn't killing the buffer do that already?  It does for me on XEmacs
and a cmulisp process buffer.

    Jay> I'll add a kill-buffer hook that will delete the process, and keep the
    Jay> kill maxima command.
    Jay> How do things get messed up?

I think ilisp gets confused sometimes when it tries to parse what the
process returns.  I'm not exactly sure why.  Seems to happen most
often to me when it's trying to be helpful and display some help on
the args needed for the function name I just typed in.  C-z z almost
always cleans it up.

    Jay> Actually, I think it's indistinguishable from C-TAB even on a
    Jay> windowing system; at least it is for me.  C-cC-m is indistinguishable
    Jay> from C-cRET, I just wrote them C-cC-letter for mnemonic reasons.

For XEmacs running in X windows (not in terminal mode inside an
xterm), the keys are different.  However, I think in most modes
they're defined to be the same.  However, C-c RET is defined, but C-c
C-m is not for me.

    Jay> Completion help             f12         This is somewhat analogous to
    Jay> (describe functions               describe-lisp or documentation-lisp, 
    Jay> which begin with word             which are bound to C-cC-i and C-cC-f
    Jay> at point)                         in ilisp.  Change?
    >> I almost always have this automatic so that when I press a space,
    >> ilisp pops up a window (or uses the modeline) to display information
    >> about the function.

    Jay> That could be done, but then if someone defines a function which is
    Jay> the prefix of a built-in function, it could get annoying.

What does "prefix of a built-in function" mean?  In ilisp mode, the
help only pops up for something like:


where ^ denotes point.  If I press space here, some help for
destructuring-bind pops up.  In no other place does help pop up by

It's not that important.  I was just stating what ilisp does.

    Jay> Miscellaneous commands     Keybinding   Notes
    Jay> ----------------------     ----------   -----
    Jay> Mark form                  C-cC-f    No analogue in ilisp. Suggestions?
    >> I always use marking and motion commands to mark a s-exp.

    Jay> Actually, in Emacs lisp mode, C-M-h is mark defun.  Perhaps that
    Jay> should be used here.

You're right.  This is true for C/C++ mode too.
