Maybe local variables at block[] is treated let like,not
let*,so I rewrite this,
f(torder, pvar):= block([lamda,z,lamdaSum,zSum1,zSum],
its' well.
(C25) f(2,e);
2 2
(lamda e + lamda e + lamda ) (z e + z e + z )
2 1 0 2 1 0
2 2
(lamda e + lamda e + lamda ) (z e + z e + z )
2 1 0 2 1 0
2 2
(D25) (lamda e + lamda e + lamda ) (z e + z e + z )
2 1 0 2 1 0
Gosei Furuya (go_furuya@infoseek.jp)
> I have the following function
> f(torder, pvar):= block([
> lamda:make_array('any,torder+1),
> z:make_array('any,torder+1),
> lamdaSum:sum('lamda[i]*pvar^i,i,0,torder),
> zSum1:sum('z[i]*pvar^i,i,0,torder)*lamdaSum,
> zSum:sum('z[i]*pvar^i,i,0,torder)],
> zSum:lamdaSum*zSum,
> print(zSum,zSum1)
> );
> f(2,e) returns
> (lamda e + lamda e + lamda ) (z e + z e + z )
> 2 1 0 2 1 0
> 2
> (z e + z e + z ) lamdaSum
> 2 1 0
> so in the binding in the variable block, lamdaSum is not expanded, and
> outside the block it is.
> Since I need the expanded form, I need to know which behavior is
> correct, and if the unexpanded
> one is, then how can I convert to the expanded form, in case the
> behavior changes in the future.
> Dan Stanger
> dan.stanger@ieee.org
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