Error conditions for maxima vs commercial code.

--- James Amundson <> wrote:
> On Wed, 2001-11-28 at 14:30, Dan Stanger wrote:
> > In general, how important is it for us to conform to the same error
> > handling of the commercial code.
> Given
> (a) Conforming to the error handling of the commercial code has not
> been a priority in the past, at least as far as I know.
> (b) It is now very difficult to get a copy of the commercial code.
> I would say "not very." I might feel differently if commercial code
> was currently available.

One question we might want to put forth in connection with that subject
is how many people out there have stuff which would require such
conforming in order to work?  Also, was/is the error handling of the
commerical system better than what we currently have?

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