I've just passed my qualifying exam and now I have some time to rebuild
Maxima using the latest snapshot...
The first time I did it, Mac OS X didn't have a Tcl/Tk native
implementation and I used clisp 2.25.1 for the task.
Now I have clisp 2.27, a Tcl/Tk implementation and also gnuplot 3.7.1 at
my disposal.
I wish you could please point me to documentation about the whole
process, what are the necessary dependencies and what requirements I
need in order to get a full working package. (Also, I want to use
gnuplot in order to make graphs.)
I really appreciate,
On Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 06:09 PM, C Y wrote:
> --- James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 13:15, C Y wrote:
>>> By the way, is it the plan to integrate
>>> the new build system before or after 5.9?
>> Definitely before. I would like to release 5.9.0 as soon as we've
>> decided how the file should be (re)arranged and the build system is
>> ready. The latter is getting close. When it gets a little closer I
>> will put it in cvs in a separate directory.
> Awesome!
>> For the former (rearranging the files), I have a half-written script
>> that moves and renames files from maxima-pre59 to the new maxima
>> module. It also creates a script to do the reverse. Currently they
>> are called "migrate" and "unmigrate". I was toying with calling them
>> "emigrate" and "repatriate," but I thought that was a little too
>> opaque. Suggestions are welcome.
> You know you should never tell me that ;-) How are you renaming them?
> Is this to standardize the extensions? Here's my food for thought on
> the directory problem - these are just ideas, so feel free to tear them
> up, ignore them, whatever...
> Scrap the share1, share2, etc. system and instead have three
> directories - systemextensions, externalpackages, and nonworking.
> System extensions would be things like the vect package, which are not
> loaded by default but are considered part of the "main" system and we
> expect to maintain ourselves. externalpackages would be for things we
> aren't maintaining as part of the core maxima effort, but feel are
> worth including by default. This will probably have more topic
> specific packages. (For example, if Feyncalc, a high energy
> Mathematica package, were ported over to maxima, it could go in there.
> Few would have use for it, but it would IMHO be a worthwhile
> inclusion.) Hopefully as time goes by we will get more of this type of
> thing. It'll probably be a bit of a judgement call in some cases as to
> where things should go, but at least it would make a little more sense.
> Nonworking could hold things like the other vect package, which
> apparently isn't working too well right now but we don't want to get
> rid of - basically for unmaintained stuff which isn't stable or usable.
> That'll mean we have to sort through that mess, but I suspect we have
> to do that no matter what.
> As for documentation, move everything into a top level directory called
> doc, and from there have directories for referencemanual, usermanual,
> and whatever else we feel we should include.
> We might want to establish a couple standards, such as any module
> accepted into systemextensions must be documented in the reference
> manual, and figure out some general standard for external packages.
> Unfortunately, the documentation for 5.9 won't be much beyond where it
> is right now - I haven't had time to put in writing more stuff, and
> although Paulo has done some excellent work, we are still a LONG way
> from a complete manual. If you like, once we get some technical stuff
> straightened out with the TeX, we can take what we've got and include
> it with the 5.9 release.
> The good news is, Jay has done incredible work with the emaxima mode
> and it's almost ready for prime time. He's been incorporating features
> form imaxima and batlatex, with niiicce results. Once the bugs are
> ironed out I'll announce a standard way to insert examples in the
> manual, using emaxima. For those with a postscript viewer, you can get
> a preview of what's to come here:
> http://maxima.sourceforge.net/basicschapteremacs.ps (This most likely
> won't be the final look, but it is the idea.) Most of it uses TeX -
> there is also one ascii example, so those of you who are looking for an
> ascii manual can get an idea, too. It should be simple to produce all
> TeX or all ascii manuals, so everyone (hopefully) will be happy.
> CY
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