Display options and turning the system inside out.

Richard Fateman <fateman@cs.berkeley.edu> writes:

> Looking at GtkMathView is helpful.  I think that for
> one direction (output), Maxima could produce MathML and have
> it rendered by GtkMathView. I am not convinced that MathML
> or its rendering by GtkMathView is sufficiently general to
> do everything Maxima might produce, but I have no
> counterexamples. 

When Maxima outputs something in TeX form, I assume it doesn't use any
of TeX's programming capabilities, but rather TeX is used as a markup
language.  I had guessed (perhaps wrongly) that if Maxima could
provide the output in TeX, it could provide it in MathML.
Or are there possibly situations where the TeX output get messed up? 

> The alternative that Jay suggests, that GtkMathView could learn
> about Maxima, is tempting.

As much as I'd like to take credit for good, or even tempting, ideas,
this was suggested by CY.

> There is a deeper problem, potentially.  That is, one
> might introduce to Maxima a new form, say from a particular
> application.  This can be done by syntax extension, and the
> maxima display program understands this and does a suitable
> display.

How does tex(...) handle that?

Daniel Martins <dmartins@lcmi.ufsc.br> wrote:

> Just to add:
> There is a sourceforge project about rendering online latex that may
> be of interest (I did not try it!)
> http://preview-latex.sourceforge.net/

This is (I think) what Jesper Harder used in imaxima to display the
Maxima output in already TeXed (rather than ready to be TeXed) form.
