New files in cvs in preparation for 5.9.0

There is a now a directory called for59 in the maxima-pre59 cvs module.
(Please note: if you have the maxima-pre59 module checked out already,
you will need to do a "cvs update -d" to get the new directory.) 

Please note that all of the files in for59 are considered works in
progress. Please see the file for59/TODO for a partial listing of
incomplete tasks.

Execute the script "migrate" in the for59 directory to automatically
populate the new maxima module. By default, migrate will call the new
directory "maxima" and put it next to the existing maxima-pre59
directory. To put the module somewhere else, give migrate the full path
name to a different directory as an argument. migrate will not overwrite
an existing directory.

Note: migrate is not finished. When it is finished, all the files in the
existing maxima-pre59 module will be in the new maxima module, possibly
renamed. We will not throw anything away. migrate also creates a script, which will move the files back to the original names
and places in the maxima-pre59 module.

In the new maxima directory:

To try the new build system, execute the script "bootstrap", followed by
configure. You will have to give configure at least one of
(--enable-clisp, --enable-cmucl, --enable-gcl). Do a make followed by
make install. Invoke maxima with
	maxima --clisp
	maxima --cmucl
	maxima --gcl
as appropriate. (The maxima script itself is not nearly complete. Please
bear with me. See the TODO.) Maxima can be compiled and installed with
any/all of the given lisp implementations simultaneously. Multiple
subsequent versions of maxima will also be able to be installed
