why GCL, what about Allegro

>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Stanger <dan.stanger@ieee.org> writes:

    Dan> However, I am leaning toward steelbank, which is a offshoot
    Dan> of cmucl, as its goal is maintainability.

SBCL only runs on Linux/x86 and Alpha.  CMUCL runs on Linux/BSD x86
and Solaris/Sparc.  Older versions run on HPUX and SGI.
Unfortunately, the main developers don't have access to other
machines, so they've lagged behind.  I also understand that a
potential commercial version of CMUCL runs on Linux, sparc, and HP-UX,
with real OS thread support.

I think maintainability of the underlying lisp is irrelevant to maxima
unless you plan on maintaining the underlying lisp. :-)
