why GCL, what about Allegro

>>>>> "Jim" == James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov> writes:

    Jim> On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 07:53, Liam Healy wrote:
    >> Three years ago, I hacked up Maxima to run on ACL.  It is not the
    >> current version (I think it was 5.4).  The basics work, and I use it
    >> from time to time for small computations.
    >> A couple months ago I passed these changes on to James Amundson, and I
    >> got the impression they are in place in the current version.  Does it
    >> still not work?  What remains to be done?

    Jim> I used Liam's code to help with general ANSI issues, but I didn't put in
    Jim> changes en masse. The current CVS version of Maxima should be close to
    Jim> working with ACL, but I expect there would still be some issues.

Since I have an ACL Enterprise license, I can volunteer (as time
permits) to test the code, if this is the piece that's missing.  Is
there a regression test that is used to test Maxima?

On a related thread, it seems there is an idea among some people that
there is/ought to be one "official" CL to be used with Maxima that is
supported and everything else is secondary.  Completely unrelated to
Maxima, I write my CL code to ANSI specs whereever possible, to be
used with multiple compilers, and carefully isolate (with #+ #-)
whatever cannot be written to ANSI-CL.  Is this not an achievable goal
for Maxima as well?  I know it's hard given the long history of
Maxima, but it should be possible.

In summary, why does an ACL (or for that matter LispWorks, Corman,
etc.) port preclude CLISP, CMUCL, etc.?  Free vs. nonfree CLs seems a
