menu interface

C Y wrote:

> While were at it, Richard, I noticed in "A Review of Macsyma" you
> mentioned some sort of interface that had been developed at Berkeley
> provided  "a menu-based command structure on top of
> typset-display-based local version of Macsyma",

This referred to a MS project by Lilly Spirkovska at Berkeley;
it is not interesting to us anymore, I think.  It involved interprocess
communication between Lisp and a TeX/Display system, running on
a Sun system, requiring X11 windows.

 and MIT had somehow
> prevented the sharing of the code among users. 

It would have required distributing altered source code and was
therefore contrary to the technology transfer rights that MIT
gave exclusively to Symbolics.

 Is that interface still
> around?  Would it be of any use in the current problem?

Not likely to be of use. The last time I looked at it was
1990, and there was a long to-do list.