Dear Maxima-ers on Mac OS X,
I am new to this list. I have just downloaded the cvs and tried
the new build procedure in for59 directory on Mac OS X to see
if it works.
I have an installation of clisp-2.27, which is the lisp I used.
- "migrate" worked fine.
- bootstrap complained that aclocal and automake does not exist.
That was true even after Developer Tools from Apple are installed. Since
I have
failed to make automake-1.5, I fetched automake package in Darwin
1.2 and did the standard ./configure;make;sudo make install. Then,
bootstrap seemed to work fine. You can obtain the automake from
the following address.
- "make", then "sudo make install" worked fine.
- Finally "maxima" just worked fine for me.
Everything went well, except for the aclocal and automake on Mac OS X.
Yasuaki Honda, Independent Developer, Chiba, Japan
On 2001.12.13, at 00:20, James Amundson wrote:
> There is a now a directory called for59 in the maxima-pre59 cvs module.
> (Please note: if you have the maxima-pre59 module checked out already,
> you will need to do a "cvs update -d" to get the new directory.)
> Please note that all of the files in for59 are considered works in
> progress. Please see the file for59/TODO for a partial listing of
> incomplete tasks.
> Execute the script "migrate" in the for59 directory to automatically
> populate the new maxima module. By default, migrate will call the new
> directory "maxima" and put it next to the existing maxima-pre59
> directory. To put the module somewhere else, give migrate the full path
> name to a different directory as an argument. migrate will not overwrite
> an existing directory.
> Note: migrate is not finished. When it is finished, all the files in the
> existing maxima-pre59 module will be in the new maxima module, possibly
> renamed. We will not throw anything away. migrate also creates a script
>, which will move the files back to the original names
> and places in the maxima-pre59 module.
> In the new maxima directory:
> To try the new build system, execute the script "bootstrap", followed by
> configure. You will have to give configure at least one of
> (--enable-clisp, --enable-cmucl, --enable-gcl). Do a make followed by
> make install. Invoke maxima with
> maxima --clisp
> maxima --cmucl
> maxima --gcl
> as appropriate. (The maxima script itself is not nearly complete. Please
> bear with me. See the TODO.) Maxima can be compiled and installed with
> any/all of the given lisp implementations simultaneously. Multiple
> subsequent versions of maxima will also be able to be installed
> simultaneously.
> --Jim
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