Maybe some work to make Maxima display much better
Subject: Maybe some work to make Maxima display much better
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 14:42:45 -0800
Andrey G. Grozin wrote:
> Hello *,
> On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Richard Fateman wrote:
>>Right now there is a program in maxima called displa which takes any
>>maxima expression and produces a 2-dimensional fixed-width character
>>display on a page of width $linel or less. This defines the typesetting
>>"semantics" in a completely deterministic way. The program can be
>>changed to put in variable-width fonts and special characters like
>>alpha, with very little work.
> There is a *huge* distance from such a simple program to real typesetting.
I think that quality typesetting from TeX requires some hand corrections
in some cases, so even TeX is not a perfect solution. On the other
hand, for visual display on a screen, TeX is probably too good (it has a
higher resolution than necessary) and also not good enough, because of
line breaks and feedback.
> Have you read The TeXBook carefully? I have. It would take a lot of effort
> to implement these algorithms.
I have not read the TeXBook recently, but the algorithms are available
in Pascal, C, and in Lisp: there are two implementations, neither of
which I can find right now. Someone in France wrote a TeX in Lisp,
and Bill Schelter wrote a TeX mode in the Texas Instruments Lisp Machine
system (an extension to the emacs-like editor). Schelter's program was,
I think, something like TeXmacs, but only for the Lisp Machine. I do
not know where the code for this might be, or how close it is to the
Common Lisp of today.
> TeX solves a very complicated nonlinear
> optimization problem. Development and fine-tuning of these algorithms took
> many "Knuth-years". I doubt if we have another Knuth on this mailing list.
1. I don't think it has to be fine-tuned as much. At least if we are
doing this automatically. If we want to allow human hand-tuning of the
result of computing, then I propose that we don't have to do anything.
We already have maxima --> LaTex. A perfectionist can modify the LaTex
code, and redisplay it.
2. The dynamic programming algorithm used by Knuth is available in
carefully documented source code, if it makes sense to use it. I don't
know that it affects mathematical displays very much. It matters more
when you are typesetting a paragraph with relatively few places for glue
(in-between words). In math you have glue very often, like almost every
symbol, and I think humans are less sensitive to minor differences in math.
>>1. LaTex cannot do line-breaks as well as the computer program
>>that understands math.
> I still have to see at least one program which can do line-breaking in
> typesetted maths.
There are several: Mathematica, Maple, (commercial) Macsyma, and even
the free Maxima, if you allow fixed-width display in 2D to count as
> This is just too complicated problem. TeX cannot say in
> advance how much space will be occupied by some formula. Therefore, it has
> no possibility to decide if it has to break it or not. Trial-and-error
> approach (typeset on one line; if it's too long, break it) is unacceptable
> for efficiency reasons.
It is actually not so difficulty to get a very good approximation to an
optimal solution. The same exact problem occurs and has been solved by
Lisp pretty-printing programs. (Printing an indented version of a lisp
program given a particular line-width). A naive solution takes time
exponential in the size of the program to be displayed. A cleverer
solution takes (usually) linear time, and sometimes n^2.
>>3. Installing LaTex can be tricky. I find it very irritating to
>>here from someone "try my free software X" and discover that to
>>use it I must first find and download and install Tcl/TK, GCL,MikTeX,
>>python, Perl, emacs21, new fonts, etc.
> This is because you use Windows. If you just install any recent Linux
> distribution, you will have all this stuff, and a lot more. (Well, Emacs
> 21 is too new to be in a distribution. Just
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> By the way, I installed GCL 2.4.0 on RedHat 7.0 in exactly this way.
We could require that Maxima users must have RedHat 7.0, or some
other standard Linux, but to tell people "you use Windows, you lose"
is probably a bad idea :)
There is another way of typesetting which can be set up, and works like
this: you come up with an expression you wish to display. You open up
a connection to a typesetting program on the internet. Send the
expression. The typesetting program sends back a GIF. This may seem
crazy, but actually it exists, and I have been using it for experiments.
Look up MINSE and glyphd
Perhaps it is significant that I have been connecting to MINSE from a
lisp program..
It doesn't solve the problem of line-breaking, nor does it, at the
moment, give feedback/ subexpression selection. The author of MINSE is
a grad student at Berkeley, and some other students have looked at it.
Advantage: you don't need TeX etc AT ALL on your computer.
Disadvantage: you need to be connected to the internet!
I am not particularly advocating this solution. I imagine the best
solution to be finding Schelter's old Texmacs equivalent, all in lisp,
and see if that works and can do line-breaking etc. and use emacs21,
when it works for display in windows as well as linux. But this is
I would expect that generating postscript directly from the Maxima
displa program would be easy, but I agree that doing "batch" ghostscript
is not ideal. And what could be done is take the back end of the
ghostscript interpreter, the part that looks up font shapes and sprays
bits on a screen, is the significant part: if that exists in a machine
independent form it represents a useful piece of the solution...