emaxima problem

I've some troubles with EMaxima under emacs 21.1
The following output explains everything
Cells in text mode C-c C-uc
                                  2 x COS(x )

     y   + 10 x y  + 45 x  y  + 120 x  y  + 210 x  y  + 252 x  y
+ 210 x  y

                                                7  3       8
2       9      10
                                         + 120 x  y  + 45 x  y  +
10 x  y + x
Same cells in TeX mode C-c C-uC


 ^{8}\*y^{2}+10\*x^{9}\*y+x^{10} \\

Strangely enough output cells have
too few lines and Maxima output
does not fit in it.

What am I doing wrong?
And what is the proper place for emaxima.lisp file?
Shall I place it in a directory where Maxima
looks for *.lisp files or it must be placed in the
sane directory with emaxima.el?



[ Vadim V. Zhytnikov  <vvzhy@mail.ru>  <vvzhy@td.lpi.ac.ru> ]