On Thu, 2002-01-10 at 14:16, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "Martin" == a9104910 <a9104910@unet.univie.ac.at> writes:
> Martin> By the way, it seems that Fabrizio Caruso from RISC Linz is currently
> Martin> working on an adaption of their Zeilberger Package for Maxima. It's not
> Martin> GPL though. Unfortunately.
> If he distributes his code to other, does the GPL allow him to hook up
> his code to Maxima and not have his code under GPL?
In order to be a derived work of a GPL'd piece of software, a package
must depend on the existence of the GPL'd software. I believe the
existence of Macsyma (perhaps existence is too strong a word at this
point!) makes the issue sufficiently unclear for Maxima packages that we
shouldn't spend too much time worrying about it. I would prefer to say
that Maxima packages that are inconsistent with the GPL are in poor
taste and leave it at that.
Of course, to be included in the Maxima distribution, a package must be
compatible with the GPL.