Maxima speed

> I think that position-if should then be written in lisp, if
> that will improve the speed of your code.

I tried, but it did not, at least, not that much.

I have two things I want to say:

I think that it can be good practice to use lisp for implementing
algorithms. Lisp is fast and nice and probably most lisp functions are
useful for many math algorithms. To me it doesn't make sense to
"implement" lisp in Maxima... Especially, because Lisp has some features
we should (could?) not port to maxima, eg. that any non-nil value is true.
Why shouldn't I use Lisp for implementing my algorithms and use maxima to
apply them?

Secondly, I don't think that improving an algorithm in isolated
points only is ALWAYS sufficient. Often, of course, it is.

Furthermore, comparing burge.lisp and burge.max, in my opinion, the lisp
version is far more readable!

Happy Lisping, happy Maximizing!
