ellipt.lisp compile problems with the new make system
Subject: ellipt.lisp compile problems with the new make system
From: Raymond Toy
Date: 14 Jan 2002 16:24:49 -0500
>>>>> "mak" == mak <mak@ll.mit.edu> writes:
>> If you want a fix, I need some help. I think the problem is that gcl
>> doesn't have destructuring-bind. At least when I type that form into
>> gcl, it complains.
>> I haven't been able to get a working maxima with gcl in ages....
mak> I got GCL + MAXIMA-PRE59 running for the first time in ages this
mak> weekend. I did...
What platform?
I tried it with gcl 2.4 on Solaris, and gcl dies after
loading sloop or the gcl rsym thingie fails.
mak> 6. For regression testing to pass... Removed first four lines of
mak> rtest14.lisp (the j0 and jn functions don't seem to be in the
mak> maxima core after the build..hmmm??? I don't understand this...
mak> are j0 and jn new?)
Uh oh. I just made some changes to bessel.lisp for more accurate
bessel functions. I need to check to see if I screwed it up. j0 and
jn should still be there.
And, actually, if a missing destructuring-bind is really the problem,
I think we should just add a version for maxima and gcl, and wait until
gcl gets it's own version. (Should be able to steal one from CMUCL.)