Numerical integration?

Nicolas Neuss <> writes:

> Hi,
> I would like to evaluate the function
>   f(c) := integrate (x*x/(c+x*x)*exp(-x*x), x, 0, c)
> Unfortunately, symbolic integration does not work (meaning that I
> couldn't do it, and Maxima failed as well).  Can Maxima do a numerical
> integration?  Has anyone used such a feature?
> Thanks, Nicolas.

Thank you, all.  I had looked only in an old Maxima manual, where only
DCADR and not ROMBERG was listed.  I have thrown it away now.  Too
much differences to the new Maxima (very nice work, by the way)...

Thanks again,

Dr. Nicolas Neuss
Email: Nicolas.Neuss@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De
WWW: <>;