
>>>>> "Gosse" == Gosse Michel <> writes:

    Gosse> Hello
    Gosse> With maxima 5.6, the following command :

    Gosse> integrate(1/cos(x)^2,x,0,%PI/4);
    Gosse> give the answer :
    Gosse> lim(x->0) tan(x+%PI/4) 

    Gosse> I would expect that maxima returns the real 1, because it is a very 
    Gosse> classical function to integrate.

Appears to be a bug in maxima's limit function:

(C1) limit(tan(x+%pi/4),x,0,minus);

(D1) 			     limit   TAN(x + ---)
			     x -> 0-	      4

Don't know why it can't determine this for itself.  It has no problem
with sin(x+%pi/4).  And it works correctly for cot(x+%pi/4)!
