
>>>>> "Gosse" == Gosse Michel <> writes:

    Gosse> Hello
    Gosse> The following code is working with maxima 5.6 and gcl on a pentium :

    Gosse> numer:true;
    Gosse> integrate(1/cos(x)^2,x,0,%PI/4);

    Gosse> RAT replaced 0.78539816339745 by 25732//32763 = 0.78539816256143
    Gosse> RAT replaced 0.78539816339745 by 25732//32763 = 0.78539816256143
    Gosse> much more messages....
    Gosse> RAT replaced 0.78539816339745 by 25732//32763 = 0.78539816256143
    Gosse> (D5) 						        1.0

To me, there's a big difference in getting the answer "1" and the
answer "1.0".  To me, "1.0" means the answer is probably very close to
"1", but it might not be so if I care, I'd better check.
