RE: Windows

Hi CY,

 Some time ago, I was able to build both GCL and Maxima (older
versions)using a beta 21 version of Cygwin (on a 120MHz notebook - took a
few hours).  It pretty much compiled out of the box, with very minor
fiddling.  With the more recent Cygwin and GCL I have not had success,
meaning that I have not gotten to a successful build of GCL.  I have not yet
tried to build CLISP and Maxima from the new source which has been developed
since Dr. Schelter's passing.  The only reason I haven't done this has been
from lack of time, but I am now willing to take a stab at it.  I would be
doing this on a Windows NT machine with Cygwin 1.1.8 .  In any case, I will
try to do this over the next little while and let you know how it goes.

 Dave Holmgren

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	C Y [SMTP:smustudent1 at yahoo]
> Sent:	Thursday, January 17, 2002 5:47 PM
> To:
> Cc:;
> Subject:	Windows
> Has anyone tried the new build system in a Windows environment?  I know
> some excellent work was done earlier with Cygwin and Clisp - is it
> possible to make a self contained binary from that setup?  (I apologize
> for not having been more responsive to the earlier attempts.  You guys
> deserve a lot of credit - thanks much.)
> I've looked briefly at the mingw compiler, although I haven't been able
> to try it yet, and I'd appreciate it if those of you who have been
> successful at this using cygwin or mingw, whatever lisp you used, would
> post a detailed list of what you did.  I'm especially interested in
> whether anyone has been able to use the new system, but the old one
> will also do fine.  (I've never tried any serious development stuff on
> Windows before, so I'll be installing mingw and cygwin and working from
> that level.  So I won't know things like what and where to add stuff to
> paths, what the steps needed to compile are, etc. Basically, if I can
> do it, anyone can.)  I'd like to get a grip on this before 5.9 if
> possible, both so we can release a beta the Windows people can use to
> help look for bugs in the mathematical end of things and I can begin to
> prepare a more robust setup script for InnoSetup.  Looking at mingw, it
> seems like that is the preferable system to use for generating Windows
> binaries if possible, since it sidesteps the emulation layer cygwin
> uses, if not we need to figure out how to make a stand alone binary
> from cygwin which will not require the user to download and install
> cygwin itself along with Maxima.
> Also, has anyone had any luck with makeing an exe of Xmaxima?  I rather
> doubt we'll have a fancier interface than that for quite a while, so
> we'd better figure out how to work with that one.  And if anyone has
> Emaxima working like gangbusters on the Windows version of Emacs, that
> would be another good thing to document in detail.  If not, please tell
> us what failed and how it failed.
> Thanks much,
> CY
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