I don't know how many are doing this, but
it is certainly possible to do this (I've done it):
1. Change all Mathematica forms to FullForm. This can
be done easily in Mathematica.
Thus x+y becomes Plus[x,y] etc.
2. Print out all such forms in a lisp-like form.
Thus Plus[x,y] is printed as (Plus x y).
3. Read the resulting file into lisp.
Using an appropriate function like subst change
Plus to (mplus)
Times to (mtimes)
You now have the mathematica forms in macsyma's internal
some constructions like pattern matching and function
definition must be handled more delicately.
dispfun will print it out as macsyma language.
If you actually don't have a Mathematica system,
steps 1 and 2 can be done entirely in lisp by
using my MockMMA parser (written in Lisp), at least
for Mathematica 2.0 syntax.
Daniel Martins wrote:
> For those who are right now translating Mathematica file into Maxima
> files I would like to know how this is being perfomred
> Are you mounting a Perl script to do the hard work first ( such as =
> to :) and then searching for details ??
> Are mount a regexp table to translate?
> Well, I have some Mathematica files to translate and maybe I can be
> of some help in testing or improving your schemes.
> Daniel
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