Mathematica to maxima

I've never used CLISP, but here's what you should
consider doing.

1. the function tl  is in the package mma.
try typing (in-package :mma) first.

2. You probably just want to parse stuff in the
file, and so using the function ps ,  actually
(mma::ps)  is more appropriate.  
for example,
(in-package :mma)
(ps (open "") );;; result should go to standard output.

Something is wrong, though.

I'll try to figure this out after my class today..

;; the file testin.m starts with your example DeleteVertex[Graph....
(ps (open "testin.m"))

;; some garbage, omitted here.....  then

 (List (Set nodes v) (Set flags f) (Set numbers nr) (Set edges e) (Set startnodes stnodes) (Set
tailnodes endnodes)
  i tmpedge tmpg)
 (CompoundExpression (Set edge (Part nodes nodenr))
                     (While (Unequal edge 0)
                      (CompoundExpression (Set tmpedge edge) (Set edge (Part edges edge))
                                          (Set (Part edges tmpedge) -1)
                                          (Set (List (Part startnodes tmpedge) (Part tailnodes
                                               (List -1 -1))))
                     (Set (List (Part nodes nodenr) (Part flags nodenr) (Part numbers nodenr)) (List
-1 -1 -1))
                     (Set tmpg (Graph nodes flags numbers edges startnodes tailnodes))
                     (For (Set i 1) (LessEqual i (Length edges)) (Increment i)
                      (If (Equal (Part tailnodes i) nodenr) (Set tmpg (DeleteEdge tmpg i))))

Daniel Martins wrote:
> I tried for the last 2 days and this message is possibly a declaration
> of stupidity, but the fact is that I could not do the job as I wanted.

Thanks for trying, but next time ask sooner!
> In the end of this message I send an extract of a clisp session to
> load MockMMA and a extract of one of the files I want to
> translate.
> >>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <> writes:
>     Richard> 1. Change all Mathematica forms to FullForm. This can be
>     Richard> done easily in Mathematica.  Thus x+y becomes Plus[x,y]
>     Richard> etc.
>     Richard> 2. Print out all such forms in a lisp-like form.  Thus
>     Richard> Plus[x,y] is printed as (Plus x y).
> Sorry, but how can I do this "easily" using Mathematica? I need to add
> \\FullForm at the end of every line? I could not see a way of
> translating all the file to FullForm.

You can do this with expressions,  so I assume that if you can print
a function definition in mathematica somehow, you can fullform it too.
There is a way of changing the output of every line by wrapping it
in some function. I forget how.

>     Richard> 3. Read the resulting file into lisp.
>     Richard> Using an appropriate function like subst change Plus to
>     Richard> (mplus) Times to (mtimes) etc.
> Do you have a list of these changes? With this list, I can provide a
> Perl script to do this job.

It would be trivial to do it in lisp, and then wouldn't require you
to run any other program. I know that perl programmers don't believe
that anything is easier than perl. but lisp is easier here.
I don't offhand have a list of all the changes, sorry.
>     Richard> If you actually don't have a Mathematica system, steps 1
>     Richard> and 2 can be done entirely in lisp by using my MockMMA
>     Richard> parser (written in Lisp), at least for Mathematica 2.0
>     Richard> syntax.
> BTW I tried to load the mma1.6 in clisp without success. I followed
> the instruction at davorpatch which accompanies mma1.6.tar.gz

see comments above.

> *******************CLISP session Begin *************************
> [1]> (load "init2")
> ;; Loading file /home/daniel/Mathematica/mma1.6/init2.fas ...
> ;; Loading of file /home/daniel/Mathematica/mma1.6/init2.fas is finished.
> T
> [2]> (tl)
> *** - EVAL: the function TL is undefined
> 1. Break [3]>
> *******************CLISP session End *************************
> At last, here is an extract of one of the files I want to
> translate. All files have the same pattern but have different modules
> and definitions (of course).
> ******************* Mathematica file Begin *************************
> BeginPackage["MyPackage`"]
> MyPackage::usage="Do what I want"
> Begin["`Private`"]
> (* lots of definitions *)
>   Edges[Graph[v_,f_,nr_,e_,stnodes_,endnodes_ ]]:= e
> (* lots of modules *)
>   DeleteVertex[Graph[v_,f_,nr_,e_,stnodes_,endnodes_ ],nodenr_Integer]:=
>     Module[{nodes = v,flags=f,numbers=nr,edges=e,
>                startnodes=stnodes,tailnodes=endnodes,i,tmpedge,tmpg},
>                edge = nodes[[nodenr]];
>                While[edge!=0,tmpedge= edge;
>                              edge=edges[[edge]];
>                              edges[[tmpedge]]=-1;
>                            {startnodes[[tmpedge]],tailnodes[[tmpedge]]}={-1,-1}
>               ]; (* end while *)
>               {nodes[[nodenr]],flags[[nodenr]],numbers[[nodenr]]} = {-1,-1,-1};
>               tmpg = Graph[nodes,flags,numbers,edges,startnodes,tailnodes];
>               For[i=1,i<=Length[edges],i++,
>                   If[tailnodes[[i]]==nodenr,
>                      tmpg = DeleteEdge[tmpg,i]
>                     ] (* end if *)
>               ]; (* end for *)
>               tmpg
>     ] (* end module *)
> End[ ]
> EndPackage[ ]
> ******************* Mathematica file Begin *************************
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