fix to alphalessp.

Here is the broken alphalessp in clmacs.lisp

(defun alphalessp (x y)
   (cond ((numberp x)
	 (if (numberp y) (< x y)
	((stringp x)
	 (cond ((numberp y) nil)
	       ((stringp y)
		(string-lessp x y))
	       (t t)))
	((symbolp x)
	 (cond ((or (numberp y) (stringp y)) nil)
	       ((symbolp y)
		(let ((nx (symbol-name x))
		      (ny (symbol-name y)))
		  (declare (string nx ny))
		  (cond ((string-lessp nx ny)
			((string-equal nx ny)
			 (cond ((eq nx ny) nil)
			       ((null (symbol-package x)) nil)
			       ((null (symbol-package y)) nil)
			       (t (string-lessp
				   (package-name (symbol-package x))
				   (package-name (symbol-package y))))))
			(t nil))))
	       ((consp y) t)))
	((listp x)
	 (cond ((or (numberp y) (stringp y)(symbolp y )) nil)
	       ((listp y)
		(or (alphalessp (car x) (car y))
		    (and (equal (car x) (car y))
		    (alphalessp (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
	       (t nil)))
	((or (numberp y) (stringp y) (symbolp y)(consp y))
	(t ;neither is of known type:
	  (alphalessp (format nil "~s" x)(format nil "~s" y)))))

;; here is a minimal change to fix it.

(defun alphalessp (x y)
   (cond ((numberp x)
	 (if (numberp y) (< x y)
	((stringp x)
	 (cond ((numberp y) nil)
	       ((stringp y)
		(string< x y))            ;;;;fix
	       (t t)))
	((symbolp x)
	 (cond ((or (numberp y) (stringp y)) nil)
	       ((symbolp y)
		(let ((nx (symbol-name x))
		      (ny (symbol-name y)))
		  (declare (string nx ny))
		  (cond ((string< nx ny)     ;;;fix
			((string= nx ny)     ;;; fix
			 (cond ((eq nx ny) nil)
			       ((null (symbol-package x)) nil)
			       ((null (symbol-package y)) nil)
			       (t (string<    ;;;fix
				   (package-name (symbol-package x))
				   (package-name (symbol-package y))))))
			(t nil))))
	       ((consp y) t)))
	((listp x)
	 (cond ((or (numberp y) (stringp y)(symbolp y )) nil)
	       ((listp y)
		(or (alphalessp (car x) (car y))
		    (and (equal (car x) (car y))
		    (alphalessp (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
	       (t nil)))
	((or (numberp y) (stringp y) (symbolp y)(consp y))
	(t ;neither is of known type:
	  (alphalessp (format nil "~s" x)(format nil "~s" y)))))

;; this fixes xmaxima.

I suggest a simpler version. We are not likely to have identical
symbols in different packages, since there is no way for the user
to create them.

Something like this:

(defun al(x y)
   (typecase x
      (typecase y
        (number (< x y))
        (t nil)))
     ((string symbol) (typecase y
		       ((string symbol) (string< x y))
		       (list t)
		       (t nil)))
     (list (typecase y
	    (list (or (al (car x)(car y))
		      (and (equal (car x)(car x))
			   (al (cdr x)(cdr y)))))
	    (t nil)))
     ;; should never be used...
     (t (if (or (atom y)(consp y)) nil  ;; unknown > ordinary
	 (al (format nil "~s" x)(format nil "~s"y))))))

;; I think this interchange about expand etc suggests that
;; we need a better way of reporting/ taking responsibility for/ fixing
;; bugs.  At a minimum:
;; 1. reporting a bug so that it can be reproduced
;; 2. agreeing that it is, in fact a bug not a feature.
;; 3. localizing it
;; 4. providing a patch or workaround
;; 5. updating the source

Surely this has been done for other systems under sourceforge.