Laurent polynomials

I suppose it would be laurent polynomials if you were writing a function
with a denominator that was a simple power of the indeterminate.

ratexpand actually takes the rat() form and merely writes it out 
differently.  It separates the numerator into monomials and the 
denominator is repeated under each monomial.

If it helps to think of it as Laurent polynomial "whenever possible"
  I think that is correct, but the term was never used by the
programmer  (as it happens, me..).

Daniel Lemire wrote:

> Good day,
> Is is a proper assumption to say that ratexpand is meant to generate 
> Laurent polynomials whenever possible?
> I'm trying to learn more about these rat functions now that I've given 
> up expand... ;-)
> I did a search for "laurent" with describe, but nothing came up...