arrows issues

Greetings!  Yes, it would appear you are using an old maxima build.
If memory serves, the 5.6 build process will work against the new gcl
and give readline support.  Please let me know if this is not the case
for you.

> Following this, I was hopeful. I checked out Maxima again. Change with
> the following two lines
> MAXDIR=/home/lemire/cvs/maxima/maxima-pre59

> GCLDIR=/home/lemire/CVS/gcl/gcl

> [root@lagrange unixport]# more /usr/local/bin/maxima
> #!/bin/sh
> MAXIMA_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/lib/maxima-5.6
> exec /usr/local/lib/maxima-5.6/src/saved_maxima -dir 
> /usr/local/lib/maxima-5.6/src/ $@

Camm Maguire	
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah