Re: emaxima from cvs

> I've just checked emaxima from latest maxima cvs
> and noticed some little strange thing.
> Take a look on two screenshot I attached to this
> message. First one is right after emacs loaded
> the file and second one just a few seconds later when I first
> moved cursor to "diff" at top of file and later to "^x"
> at the bottom. Why these items get highlighted?
> Why just last x in (x^(x^(x^x))) is highlighted?
> It is not very terrible but a bit inconvenient.
> If cursor stands on such highlighted piece of text
> emaxima rejects cell evaluation - it beeps after
> C-c C-u.
> I understand that quite probable that these things
> have nothing to do with emaxima but rather
> are caused to some other modes or files
> my emacs preloads. Any ideas are
> greatly appreciated.

I think the highlighting is from flyspell mode.  
I just opened your file, and didn't get the red underlining that you
got.  Then I started flyspell mode, and the last `x' was highlighted,
just as in your screenshot.  'diff' wasn't highlighted, but then my
spellchecker claims that it's a word.  Perhaps we're using different

Note that in the screenshots, not the entire output is blue; I think
this is a problem that emacs has with font-locking multiple lines,
but I should look into it more.

The beeps after C-c C-u are troublesome, I haven't been able to
reproduce them.  Perhaps flyspell uses C-c C-u to do something to
misspelled words(?), I'll see if I can track down the problem.
