Strange behaviour in case 0/0


It is not yet a good bug report, because I've not yet got a simple
function to lead to such results.  For now I observe strange behaviour
of maxima in case of expression of the form 0/0.  Let us take the
following function:

f(a,b,c):= (((a^2-1)*b^4+(1-a^4)*b^2+a^4-a^2)*c^4*LOG(c)

It is easy to notice, that for c=1 it has the form of 0/0 (but the
limit c->1 is finit).  If I ask maxima to calculate, say:

(C30) f(0.01,0.1,1);

I get:

(D30) 			       0.07492989580642

which is in no sence correct. (The correct limit for c->1 is
0.48137500492202).  And no words about division by zero!  Funny, for
other parameters I can get this message:

(C34) f(0.1,0.5,1);

Division by 0
#0: f(a=0.1,b=0.5,c=1)
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)

Let me not again -- denomenator of this expression is exactly zero for


Fedor Bezrukov