"Vadim V. Zhytnikov" <> writes:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --------------DCA8AA4BB1B26CA471011469
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=koi8-r
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Greetings!
> Finally I located the problem with solve test
> on GCL Maxima build with new build system.
Does this error disappear with the old build system?
> If you load("test.lisp"); the following file
> -------- tests.lisp ---------
> (sloop for v in '("rtest.mac")
> do
> (test-batch v)
> )
> -----------------------------
> with
> ------- rtest.mac ----------
> W:SOLVE([4*X^2-Y^2 = 12,X*Y-X = 2],[X,Y]);
> [[X = 2,Y = 2],
> [X = 0.5202594388652008*%I-0.1331240357358706,
> Y = 0.07678378523787777-3.608003221870287*%I],
> [X = -0.5202594388652008*%I-0.1331240357358706,
> Y = 3.608003221870287*%I+0.07678378523787777],
> [X = -1.733751846381093,Y = -0.1535675710019696]];
> -----------------------------
> in GCL Maxima you will get an error.
> But it is enough to change sloop variable v
> to something different to get correct answer!
> On Clisp everything works fine independently
> on sloop variable name.
Well, unfortunately, I suspect gcl here. Which version? What about
different input functions? Can you go through the lisp debugger and
isolate the lisp error? I'd really appreciate it if you could get
this into a form where a simple (as possible) input file into gcl
shows the mistake. Otherwise, we can of course build the gcl with -g
and step through the stack in gdb, but I'm sure its quite huge.
> I'm perfectly sure that the problem has nothing to do
> with recent solve changes. It is not clear yet
> which part is to be blamed for the problem -
> new build system or GCL. The case require
> more thorough testing.
Thanks again for your work here, Vadim!
> Vadim
> --
> [ Vadim V. Zhytnikov <> <> ]
> --------------DCA8AA4BB1B26CA471011469
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Camm Maguire
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." -- Baha'u'llah