I am not really sure what to do. For 6.1, I really had in mind the
larger project of integrating special function code from other sources.
What to do in the meantime is not clear. Would it be easy to switch the
cernlib code for what we have now? The code you added is much better
than what we had before. It would pain me to just dump it for what we
had before.
On Mon, 2002-03-11 at 14:22, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "James" == James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov> writes:
> James> During 6.1.X series
> James> -Work on numerical routines
> James> -GSL vs Fortran to Lisp, etc.
> Does this mean we should remove some of the changes I've made for
> better numerical algorithms. Some of the were translated from TOMS
> which we shouldn't do. We can use the Fortran algorithms from
> CERNLIB, since they're GPL.
> Ray