Missing zsolve?

--- Camm Maguire <camm@enhanced.com> wrote:

> Greetings!  Just received this report from a Debian user of 5.6.  I
> can't find the files either, so it would seem the documentation
> should be ammended, no?

Indeed - I suspect there are many things like that lurking in the wings
- I doubt anyone has done a comprehensive review of the documentation
since it was first written.  

James, I'd recommend adding something to your Release Plan (which looks
good, by the way) for the 6.0 release - a complete overhaul of the
documentation.  Also, at 5.9.2, we need to document the share packages
in some systematic way, as well - since we will be testing them anyway
this will be the ideal time. I know it will be a pain, but I'll try to
think about a way to do this so as to coordinate it properly and in any
case it is absolutely essential for the next stable release.


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