Help with kill bug in CMUCL

James Amundson <> writes:

> The rtest12 test fails on CMUCL, but not with any other Lisp I have
> tried. I am having difficulty pinning down the bug, but I think it
> involves "kill".

Somehow the redefinition/shadowing of COMPILED-FUNCTION-P from
compile-cmulisp.lisp gets lost when migrating to the new build
system. If it is put it back in, probably in commac.lisp (remember to
shadow CL:COMPILED-FUNCTION-P), the problem goes away.

I don't particularly like this fix, because the use of
COMPILED-FUNCTION-P in KILL1 has nothing to do with a function being
compiled - on some systems, all functions are compiled. It is a kludge
to figure out if a function has been loaded from a lisp file and it
should be renamed accordingly. Being used exactly once in all of
maxima doesn't justify shadowing a symbol from COMMON-LISP

Having also applied the fix for the MABS problem in hyp.lisp, I
happy to report:

maxima-for59/tests> lisp -core ../src/binary-cmucl/maxima.core -load tests.lisp
Congratulations: No differences!
No Errors Found
Evaluation took:
  7.25f0 seconds of real time
  5.81f0 seconds of user run time
  0.52f0 seconds of system run time
  [Run times include 0.18f0 seconds GC run time]
  0 page faults and
  33313928 bytes consed.

	Regards, Ole