f2cl, cernlib, and maxima (Re: [Maxima] Release plans)
Subject: f2cl, cernlib, and maxima (Re: [Maxima] Release plans)
From: James Amundson
Date: 21 Mar 2002 14:47:53 -0600
On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 13:35, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "Lizardo" == Lizardo H C M Nunes <lizardo@urbi.com.br> writes:
> Lizardo> I compiled SLATEC and read the docs, it's public domain; but full
> Lizardo> documentation is available at
> Lizardo> http://www.kachinatech.com/~hjjou/slatec-doc/
> Lizardo> there you should probably answer your question.
> Thanks for the pointer. The docs explicitly say SLATEC is public
> domain, so I think this will be a good source. Much easier to deal
> with than CERNLIB.
Great. SLATEC sounds like the library to use, at least for the short
> Also, in any case, I've sent a message to ACM about the licensing of
> TOMS with maxima in particular but GPL stuff in general.
> No answer yet.
I will be very interested to hear what happens.