Here are the short form results from running most of the .dem files
under windows build of cvs maxima.
I copied all required .dem, .mac and .lisp files into a share
subdirectory, made the obvious .mc -> .mac and .lsp -> .lisp
changes for the load commands, and added share to the load paths
in src/init-cl.lisp.
Not much more than go/no go results so far. but it is a start.
There will be a few problem reports in here.
./algebra/differ.dem - OK
./algebra/recur.dem - OK
./calculus/cartan.dem - OK (after sed -e 's/&/~/g' )
./calculus/fourie.dem - no go
./calculus/optmiz.dem - OK
./calculus/optmiz_1.dem - OK
./calculus/optmiz_2.dem - OK
./calculus/optmiz_3.dem - OK
./calculus/optmiz_4.dem - OK
./calculus/optvar.dem - no go
./calculus/optvar_1.dem - no go
./calculus/optvar_2.dem - no go
./calculus/qual.dem - OK
./integration/antid.dem - OK
./integration/delta.dem - no go
./macro/defm.dem - no go, problem with autolo.mac
./macro/keyarg.dem - no go, problem with autolo.mac
./matrix/eigen.dem - OK
./matrix/eigen_1.dem - OK
./matrix/nchrpl.dem - OK
./matrix/pfaff.dem - OK
./misc/declin.dem - no go
./misc/seqopt.dem - no go
./numeric/cfortr.dem - no go
./numeric/dblint.dem - OK
./numeric/dblint_1.dem - no go, could not find `'
./numeric/diffeq.dem - no go
./numeric/fft.dem - no go
./numeric/kach.dem - no go - can load
./numeric/qq.dem - no go, quanc8() undefined
./numeric/simpsn.dem - no go
./numeric/submac.dem - no go
./physics/dimen.dem - OK
./physics/gamalg.dem - no go
./simplification/absimp.dem - OK
./simplification/disol.dem - no go
./simplification/facexp.dem - no go
./simplification/functs.dem - OK
./simplification/ineq.dem - no go
./simplification/lrats.dem - OK
./simplification/rducon.dem - no go
./simplification/rncomb.dem - OK
./simplification/scifac.dem - no go
./simplification/stopex.dem - no go
./tensor/ademo.dem - untested
./tensor/ademo2.dem - untested
./tensor/ctenso_1.dem - untested
./tensor/ctenso_2.dem - untested
./tensor/ctenso_3.dem - untested
./tensor/ctenso_4.dem - untested
./utils/batch.dem - no go, utils/batch.mac is lisp code. Other problems
./vector/vect.dem - OK
./vector/vector.dem - no go, Incorrect syntax: cross is not an infix operator