[PATCH] New test file

>>>>> "David" == CRTS  <Billinghurst> writes:

    David> Below is the start of a new test file - tentatively test/test15.mac
    David> The obvious patch to test/tests.lisp is also required.
    David> Ok to commit?

    David> /* This file contains tests added since April 2002 */

    David> kill(all);
    David> done$

    David> /* apropos function added 7 April 2002 */
    David> apropos('TR_OPTIMIZE_MAX_LOOP);

    David> /* Known failure - 7 April 2002 */
    David> integrate(3^log(x),x);
    David> x*%E^(LOG(3)*LOG(x))/(LOG(3)+1)$

    David> /* Wester[1995] Problem 84 - Known failure - 7 April 2002 */
    David> integrate(sqrt(x+1/x-2),x,0,1);
    David> 4/3$

I guess maxima gets this wrong because it says:

(C1) integrate(sqrt(x+1/x-2),x); 

			      2 x    - 6 SQRT(x)
(D1) 			      ------------------

which is only true if |x-1| is positive.  For some reason it has
assumed |x-1| is positive somewhere during integration.

Yet another integration bug.
