Xmaxima on Mac OS X


Now that I have maxima working on Mac OS X, I thought I'd go the whole 
distance and try xmaxima, which appeared to be available as a result of 
the build.

However, once I start it, I get a complaint about ".../maxima_saved" not 
being found (I think that's the name).  Does anyone know what might be 
going wrong here?  This is complicated by the fact that, once I dismiss 
the timeout alert that follows the complaint, the whole desktop is blown 
away, and my login environment is restarted.

I'm using XFree86/XonX, FWIW.

Thanks for any help.



Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large  *
Institute for General Semantics        | It's not whether you win or 
                                        |  It's whether *I* win or lose.