Xmaxima on Mac OS X

On Thu, 2002-04-11 at 21:49, Justin C. Walker wrote:
>     /sw/lib/clisp/base/lisp.run: operating system error during load of 
> initialisation file `/SandBox/sb/src/Maxima/maxima-
> pre59/src/maxima-clisp.mem'
> and there is, in fact, no such animal.  Any thoughts on what next?

As I said in my previous reply, xmaxima is known not to work. Since my
previous message had no effect, I will elaborate: The command line
interface to maxima has completely changed. The layout of the installed
files has also completely changed. There has no effort yet to modify
xmaxima to reflect these changes, but it is next on the list of things
to do.

If someone wants to volunteer to make the changes before I can get to
them, please let me know. However, there are several things that need to
be considered that won't be obvious simply by getting it to work with
one lisp on one platform, so we'll have to talk about it.
