Subject: Installation instruction and a small bug.
From: Juan Pablo Hierro Álvarez
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 09:58:49 +0200
First, I think there is a small bug in the file todd-coxeter.lisp
The patch would be
< (proclaim '(type (vector t) $todd_coxeter_state))
> (proclaim '(type (vector (t)) $todd_coxeter_state))
< (declare (fixnum nvars) (type (vector t) multiply-table))
> (declare (fixnum nvars) (type (vector (t)) multiply-table))
With the original version (vector (t)), it complains that the type (t) is not
defined. But t is, of course, a type by itself.
Second, I have tried to compile the current source tree (version
5.9.0pre-cvs) with cmucl-18d in a RH7.2 linux box and think there some
interesting points:
-In the INSTALL instructions there should be a prominent reference to the
MAXIMA_DIRECTORY environment variable and the value it should have.
-The core dumped by the makefile is a bit bizarre. It does not accept the
order "to_lisp();". However, it is easily corrected if one load the system
and saves a core image without the -f user::run option in the makefile. To
assure that maxima is started when this core is loaded, one may add the
option: " -eval "(user::run)" to the cmucl option of maxima-run-lisp. There
are no problems with "to_lisp();" and "(run)" with these trick. I suppose
that the real problem lies inside cmucl implementation of the :init-function
option when saving a core; but these hacks are enough to circunvect the
Finally, in the documentation about emaxima, it would interesting to add that
one should put something like
(autoload 'maxima "maxima" "Mathematical package" t)
in the .emacs file of the user if one wants to use maxima under emacs just by
typing "M-x maxima".
That is all.
Juan Pablo Hierro Álvarez
hierro en ideafix punto litec punto csic punto es
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