Bug in the integrate.

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Recently, there has been a bug announced in this list. Basically, maxima 
failed to integrate properly expresions of the type:
integrate(3^log(x), x);
It produced an erroneous result, which is worst than not producing result at 
all. The reason is just it tries to use the sin algorithm to evaluate the 
integral instead of the risch algorithm, which is more general but produces 
results which are harder to simplify.

One quick hack to test this could be to type
:lisp(push '%risch nounl)
before evaluating such integral (NOTE: :lisp(pop nounl) to return to the sin 
algorithm). So I have made a hack which tests for the presence of some 
exponential function with a base different from $%E (neper constant) in the 
integrand to call the risch algorithm instead of the sin one. The patch, over 
the file "simp.lisp" is:
<   (LET ($RATFAC)
<     (COND ((= NARGS 2)
<            (IF (MEMQ '%RISCH NOUNL) (RISCHINT (ARG 1) (ARG 2))
<                                     (SININT (ARG 1) (ARG 2)))))
<         ((= NARGS 4) ($DEFINT (ARG 1) (ARG 2) (ARG 3) (ARG 4)))
<         (T (WNA-ERR '$INTEGRATE)))))
- ---
> (defmfun $integrate nargs
>   (let ($ratfac)
>     (cond ((= nargs 2)
>          (with-new-context (context)
>              (let ((arg_1 (arg 1)))
>                (if (and (not (atom arg_1))
>                         (or (memq '%risch nounl)
>                             (search-base-exponent arg_1)))
>                    (rischint arg_1 (arg 2))
>                    (sinint arg_1 (arg 2))))))
>           ((= nargs 4) ($defint (arg 1) (arg 2) (arg 3) (arg 4)))
>         (t (wna-err '$integrate)))))
> (defun search-base-exponent (list-args &aux (exp-base '$%E))
>   (cond ((or (atom list-args) (atom (first list-args)))
>          nil)
>         ((eq (first (first list-args)) 'MEXPT)
>          ;; We are looking for something like ((MEXPT *) ** ...) with **
>          ;; (the base) different from $%E.
>          (if (eq (first (rest list-args)) exp-base)
>              (search-base-exponent (rest (rest list-args)))
>              t))
>         (t
>          (or (search-base-exponent (first list-args))
>              (search-base-exponent (rest list-args))))))
It is just a quick and dirty trick as one may test by typing
diff(integrate(3^log(x), x), x);
after applying it. The risch algorithm produces good results, but in a funny 
format (it is not aware of simplification).
- -- 
Juan Pablo Hierro Álvarez
hierro en ideafix punto litec punto csic punto es
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