The code is probably
(mapcar '(lambda....
and changed to
(mapcar #'(lambda ...
(Some lisps may be smart enough to do it either way.
In the past, probably all lisps did it either way).
At some point I think we may want to change package designations
from upper case strings to keywords in the standard
case for the system. For example,
(in-package :macsyma)
I don't know if this will work with GCL or the
other lisps.
Is there a clear specification of the algorithms that
should be used? Are there examples/ benchmarks for
them? I assume they used to work... is that true?
Valerij Pipin wrote:
> Hi,
> There are some people in the list who would like to use itensor.
> Well, it's currently broken, some functions, like components(), canten()
> and probably some others, don't work. However it still can be used.
> I have some patches and demonstration file showing the current abilities
> of "itensor", and some screenshoots as well.
> The proposed patches could be considered as purely cosmetic. They correct files in
> correspondence with common lisp syntax. Like (in-package 'maxima)
> is replaced by (in-package "MAXIMA"), and (MAPCAR 'LAMBDA(
> is replaced by (MAPCAR #'LAMBDA( .
> Note, that cool feature provided by generate(eqs) does work.
> It gives the possibility to use results obtained by "itensor" in
> "ctensr". In that demo I demonstrate the derivation of the diffusion
> heat transport equation in cartesian and spherical coordinates.
> For a moment I have no public place where to put this staff.
> So you can ask me directly or if somebody have a place I would put it there.
> All the best,
> Valerij.