Bug in Asksign, also in Askexp?

(C3) asksign(log(x));
Is  x - 1  positive, negative, or zero?

(D3)                                  NEG
(C4) asksign(log(-1));
(D4)                                  NEG


(C5) describe(askexp);

Info from file /usr/local/info/maxima.info:
 - Variable: ASKEXP
     default: [] contains the expression upon which ASKSIGN is called.
     A user may enter a MACSYMA break with ^A and inspect this
     expression in order to answer questions asked by ASKSIGN.
(D5)                                 FALSE

My maxima doesn't go into any break with ^A, so I used Ctrl-C (is ^A the same 
as Ctrl-A) 

*** - Ctrl-C: User break
1. Break [1]> askexp;

*** - EVAL: variable ASKEXP has no value
