Line length limit problem?

>>>>> "James" == James Amundson <> writes:

    James> Which platform and which make? I'm assuming the answer is Solaris to

Solaris 7 and GNU make 3.78.1.

    James> both. With GNU Make, "plot.lisp" only occurs in, which
    James> is included by Makefile. What does contain?

Do you really want all of it?  The last bit of it contains:

        mactex.lisp plot.lisp autol.lisp max_ext.lisp autoconf-variables.lisp init-cl.lisp

    James> If we're lucky, the problem is some hysteresis in the autotool process.
    James> Can you try to manually rebuild, then do a fresh

How do you do that?  bootstrap?

Sorry for being dense.
