> How about if we adapt pari-gp for number theory calcs (primality
> etc). It is written in c and very fast. This way maxima can
> concentrate on symbolic calculations. I thought Bill was working on
> this.
That would be a good idea, although IMO, primality tests are simple
enough to require very little lisp coding, and we would avoid foreign
function calls. If this approach looks interesting for enough people,
I am eager to start working on this (I am trying to learn lisp by now,
and anyway the gurus in the list are surely kind enough to correct
my mistakes).
That is what I think. I guess Bill was trying to include pari-gp into
gcl more than maxima, and that is pretty-hard-coding job! My suggestion
right now is: stick to lisp and add things by little and little.
Any other opinions?
Pedro Fortuny Ayuso -------------> www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~pf
School of Mathematical Sciences. Queen Mary College, Univ. London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK ------> www.qmul.ac.uk
P.Fortuny@maths.qmul.ac.uk Tfn. Nr. 44 20 7882 5493