Richard Fateman writes:
> I don't know if you redefined fib, but in the
> commercial macsyma the time for a:fib(...) on my system
> is about 57 seconds.
> It is still computing the GCD, after a few minutes.
I did not redefined fib or anything, only used the standard clisp implementation
of maxima. Surprising (for me) what you say.
BTW, Just tested (right now) the gcl version and fib(1000002) is pretty quick (less than
2 secs).
But this was only to stress the possible usefulness of primality
tests in lisp (there was a comment on "take care what you do" in this
<> said:
> Have a look what you are up to, then. (It's quite lengthy but I think it's
> also quite impressive):
(and some benchmarks of pari's primality tests).
Don't want to be polemic on this, only "fwiw" ;-)
Thanks anyway,
Pedro Fortuny Ayuso ------------->
School of Mathematical Sciences. Queen Mary College, Univ. London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK ------> Tfn. Nr. 44 20 7882 5493