Using maxima-cvs with TeXmacs

"Andrey G. Grozin" <> writes:
> Hello *,
> On 2 May 2002, Jay Belanger wrote:
> > Emaxima doesn't handle that very well, it's something I just never
> > came across.  It should be easy to take care of, though.  The prompt
> > is just a regular expression that Emacs searches for, and it just
> > needs a regular expression that includes all possible prompts.
> > (I'll get around to that soon...)
> And when a user writes the string "MAXIMA>>" to stdout, the interface is
> thoroughly confused. I don't like solutions which work in 99% of cases.

I don't think any simple solution will work in 100% of cases.
At any rate (for Emacs at least), since the difference between what is
sent to Maxima and what Maxima returns is easily discernable, and an
actual prompt has to appear at the beginning of a line, I would think
the present solution works in 99.99...% percent of cases.
A redefinable prompt, though, sounds like a good idea.
