I've been hacking a bit on f2cl, and it's now capable of keeping track
of enough information about each converted function to be able to
generate a foreign function interface.  Thus, f2cl could potentially
automatically generate the appropriate FFI magic and also a Lisp
wrapper around the function for use with maxima.  Still need to write
the code to actually do it, but it's conceptually straightforward.
I'd need help in writing the FFI for other Lisps, since I'm really
only familiar with CMUCL's FFI.

This is rather nice.  Platforms with an FFI get fast routines, and
those that don't at least still have access to them.

What are the plans for the release?  Is this something we would want
for that or should we wait until after release?  Perhaps we should
wait until after the release since this has the potential of
destabilizing maxima enough to crash it.
