desperately trying to build Maxima

El Mar 07 May 2002 16:51, escribió:
> Hi all
> I have no luck in building Maxima.
> (This is on Linux with gcc-3.2 (cvs) as well as with gcc-2.95.3)
> But gcl-2.4.1 seems to build fine (except from some syntax
> problems with inline assembler within gmp and a missing
> -ltcl8.3 in gcl-tk/makefile)
gcl-2.4.1 is the latest stable release and the one you should choose by the
moment if you only want a running maxima.

It works to me in a RH7.2 Athlon box with glibc-2.2.4, gmp, gmp-devel, 
tcl-8.3.3 and tk-8.3.3 installed (gcc-2.96-98 but I suppose there will be no 
problems with gcc-2.95-3) and all I have to do is:
make install

If you have troubles try a look in the h directory and a
./configure --enable-machine=386-linux
to use the stuff in h/386-linux.defs

> But then maximax (2.4, 2.6, cvs) all fail because of
> this mysterious 'VV' undefined error which has been
> reported here before but I've not seen any replay.
In the maxima side, it works fine to me with maxima-2.6.1 which is the latest 
stable release (I follow the development branch with cmucl-18d).

All I had to do was:
1) Very important: NOT to do any make clean in the gcl tree after installing 
2) Hardcode the complete path to the gcl tree in the GCLDIR  variable at the 
begining of configure script. Do the same with the complete path to the 
maxima sources in the MAXDIR variable. In my installation something like

As I use the emacs interface, I also changed EMACS_SITE_LISP to
in another system one should look for /path/to/emacs/site-lisp. But only, 
provided that one is going to use the emacs interface. If not, there is no 
need at all. (Certainly, xmaxima looks much more beatiful, though it is 
harder to maintain in the developer side and not so well prepared to hack the 
3) Type
make install
I end my answer to your question here and make a question to maxima's 
developers here:

Is there any posibility of backporting the most evident bugfixes found since 
William passed away into the 5.6.1 version in order to get a 5.6.2 version as 
bug free as possible before the release of 5.9?