Subject: Option cmd line , startup file, fortran generator
From: john masse
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 11:58:44 +0200
I am a new user of maxima, and I have to develop some
applications which need mixte numerical computation
and symbolic calculus.
1) I would like to create a user's initialization file
for maxima 5.2 for linux and windows NT
In this file or command line I would like :
a- to load procedures maxima and actions for reading files.
b- to quit automatically after running or
to get the hand before quitting
c- how to write the command line will be invoking by shell
or matlab like as for example maxima -? startup
d- to find where are the options any command line in the
maxima's documentation ?
e- has someone any examples of these commands and programs
2) I am looking for a similar indets(maple) function in maxima
for example :
f- gives the functions {sin,log,w} w is not declared as
function in maxima
g- the variables {u[1],b,d,a}
h- the function with its arguments {log(u[1]^2+b),
3) I am looking for some examples of fortran generator with
complicated structure in an filename like
call toto(2.d0,.true.,'rr', u(1));
integer dd,rr,ss
common /fff/y(20)
Has somebody already been working on this ?
4) the last question : I would like to use the keyboard
functions up and down for calling back and editing
the last command. Is it possible with maxima TTY?
Thank you very much for your help and examples of program.
Best regards,
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