I'm back from quite long absence and eager to spend some efforts
on Maxima :-)
It is very nice that new build and install system is almost
finished but several
items are still missing and fixing them is the highest priority.
1. I can try to make emacs installation. I'm not so well
with automake/autoconf but I think I could master it.
James, could you tell me your ideas and requirements to
emacs install.
I've noticed that tests are not handled by make install.
Maybe it is good idea to install them to
../lib/maxima/<ver>/tests ?
What about plotting? The simplest way is to make
a symlink from ../bin/omplotdata to actual omplotdata
script. The only bad thing it is that symlinc always points
on one particular omplotdata which breaks multiple
versions approach. So probably better solution is
some little wrapper script.
I've noticed also that usage(); doesn't work.
I can't remember has it worked with old setup
or it is broken long ago?
Finally I have some proposal about load command.
Right now it requires explicit share sub directory
Is it worth to make this command a bit smarter?
In particular if no subdir is specified then load
should automatically scan all share subdirectories
and try to find the file in one of them.
Best wishes,
Vadim V. Zhytnikov